I always miss the fried tofu from the domestic street. The golden surface is sprinkled with five-spice powder and cumin powder and it tastes particularly fragrant. Today I improved it and made a healthy version of fried tofu. Tofu is a very high-quality vegetable protein, and half a box of tofu has about 18g of protein. When making fried tofu, choose hard and delicious ones. Before cooking, try to squeeze out the water as much as possible and then wipe it with kitchen paper. I used salt and pepper or you can use pepper directly. If you want to make the internal structure more compact, you can buy a tofu press specially used to press tofu, or you can buy tools to do it yourself. The steps are very simple. I made it myself, and I can share it with you later. <ingredients> Half a box of tofu 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp allspice powder 1/4 tsp salt and pepper 1/2 tsp Pixian Douban 1/2 tsp cooking wine 1/2 tsp soy sauce Moderate amount of chopped green onion Moderate amount of chili powder appropriate amount of sesame Moderate amount of cumin <step> 1. Spray a small amount of oil or lightly coat the pan with oil. 2. Add half a box of tofu, fry until golden brown, turn over until the back is also golden brown. 3. Add salt, allspice, and salt and pepper. 4. In a small bowl, make a sauce with Pixian watercress cooking wine and soy sauce. 5. Turn off the heat, add the sauce and mix well. 6. You can add appropriate amount of chopped green onion, chili powder, cumin powder and sesame seeds according to your preference. # 五行缺辣 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 #
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yami_featured_image 我总是很想念国内街边的煎豆腐,金黄色的表面洒满五香粉和孜然粉吃起来特别香。今天我就改良了一下,做了健康版的煎豆腐。 豆腐是非常优质的植物蛋白,半盒豆腐有大概18g的蛋白质。做煎豆腐选比较硬的好吃,做之前先尽量挤干水分之后用厨房纸擦拭干净。 我用了椒盐粉也可以直接用胡椒粉。 如果想让内部结构更紧实,可以买专门用来压豆腐的tofu press,也可以自己买工具动手做,步骤很简单,我的就是自己做的,以后可以分享给大家做法。 <食材> 半盒豆腐 1/4 tsp 盐 1/4 tsp 五香粉 1/4 tsp 椒盐粉 1/2 tsp 郫县豆瓣 1/2 tsp 料酒 1/2 tsp 酱油 适量葱花 适量辣椒粉 适量芝麻 适量孜然 <步骤> 1. 盘中喷入少量油或者薄薄涂上一层油。 2. 放入半盒豆腐,煎至金黄,翻面至背面也呈金黄色。 3. 加入盐,五香粉,和椒盐粉。 4. 在小碗里用郫县豆瓣料酒和酱油调成酱汁。 5. 关火,加入酱汁,翻拌均匀即可。 6. 可根据自己喜好加入适量葱花,辣椒粉,孜然粉和芝麻。 # 五行缺辣 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 #