Easy Recipe ✅ Preserved Chili Egg 🤩 What a fairy meal! I don't know when I started eating spicy food Now all meals need 🌶️🤪 Spicy and not happy hahaha! A simple and rude meal of fried chicken and fried chicken that I just learned recently! Don't look at it's mediocre appearance and don't look good, but the taste is really amazing! The photos don't look very good, but believe me it's really good! I can't buy chili peppers here, so I used chili peppers instead, and it's super spicy! If you like preserved eggs, you can put one more because I only have one left in my house 😂 No stone mortar is fine! You can also wrap it in plastic wrap and roll it on a rolling pin! In this way, the chili is also more present. I beg you to do it quickly! 🌟 Prepare 🌟 8⃣️ Root pepper 1⃣️ preserved egg A spoonful of soy sauce/oyster sauce/laoganma/minced garlic · Chili 🌶️ Roast the tiger skin directly and peel it! · Use a knife to cut and tear them into strips and put them in a bowl! · Peel another preserved egg and cut it in half! · Put in all the seasonings and start beating it! · Stir well and then come to a bowl of rice🍚 to get a perfect meal ✅ # 五行缺辣 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 温暖小厨房 # # 高颜值美食 # # 一秒变好吃 #
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yami_featured_image 简易食谱✅擂辣椒皮蛋🤩这是什么神仙下饭菜! 不知道什么时候开始从一点辣都不会吃 到现在餐餐都需要🌶️🤪无辣不欢哈哈哈! 最近刚学会的一道炒鸡炒鸡简单粗暴的下饭菜! 别看它平平无奇样子也不好看但味道真绝了好吗! 照片随手拍的看着不太好但相信我它真的很不错! 我这里买不到指天椒啥的就用尖椒代替了也超辣! 喜欢皮蛋的话可以多放一颗因为我家只剩一颗😂 没石臼没事!保鲜膜包在擀面杖上擂也是可以的! 这样吃起来辣椒也比较有存在感求求你们快去做! 🌟准备🌟 8⃣️根尖椒1⃣️颗皮蛋 一勺酱油/蚝油/老干妈/蒜蓉适量 ·辣椒🌶️直接火烤出虎皮纹后剥皮! · 用小刀划开撕成条状放进碗里! · 再剥一颗皮蛋对半切开! · 放入所有的调味料开始擂它! · 搅拌均匀再来碗米饭🍚完美搞定一餐饭✅ # 五行缺辣 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 温暖小厨房 # # 高颜值美食 # # 一秒变好吃 #