# 如7而至 # The cup of this oolong peach milk tea is also really beautiful, the pink blue pink blue is so cute😍 I like the taste of it, although the sweetness is relatively light, but it is the sweetness of condensed milk, so it is delicious. There are also dried peaches in it, which are not only peach flavored but also chewy. There are three packets in the cup, one milk tea powder packet, one dried fruit packet and one bag of condensed milk. But it is recommended that you do not add too much water, and you must stir it evenly or it will sink to the bottom 😂 Overall, it is still good and recommend everyone to try it!
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# 如7而至 # 这款乌龙蜜桃奶茶的杯子也实在太好看了吧,粉蓝粉蓝的太萌了😍 我喜欢它的口感,虽然甜度比较淡,但是是炼乳的甜味,所以很好喝。里面还有干桃粒,搭配起来不仅有桃子味还有嚼劲。 杯子里面一共有三包,一个奶茶粉包,一个果干包和一袋炼乳。 但是建议大家水不要加太多,而且一定要搅拌均匀不然会沉底😂 总体来说还是不错的推荐大家试试!