What to eat at home during the epidemic? 🇰🇷Korean-style stewed beef ribs! The day before yesterday, I stocked up a lot of meat like cowboy bones at Costco~ 😆 A whole pack of denim bones can be eaten in batches for a few dollars for several times! Today I will share this super delicious Korean recipe! The practice is not too complicated, but the taste is really good. Try it next time~ The red dates I use are the big bags of Sihong brand that I bought from Yamibuy.com! It's really convenient to remove the pits. The pits of red dates are hot and it's best to remove them. Prepare: Cowboy bone 4-5 strips Garlic 🧄 30g 5-6 pitted red dates pear or apple 1 carrot (optional) 4-5 dried mushrooms Appropriate amount of onion Sauce: Soy sauce 100ml 3 tablespoons cooking wine 1 tablespoon sesame oil salt 🧂 appropriate amount Moderate amount of black pepper practice: Step1. Soak the shiitake mushrooms, soak the beef bones in water in advance to remove the blood, and change the water every half an hour until the water is clear. Kitchen paper to absorb moisture and cut into pieces for later use~ Step2. Squeeze the apples into a puree with a juicer, mix them with the sauce, shallots, and garlic, and then marinate the beef bones for an hour. Step3. Put 120ml of water in the stew pot, put all the soaked mushrooms, beef bones and marinated soup into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium and low heat and cook After 20 minutes, add carrots and red dates and continue to simmer for 20 minutes, then turn off the heat. If there is less water, add a little hot water~ # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 元气亚米红 # # 高颜值美食 # # 温暖小厨房 # # 疫情宅家 #
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疫情宅在家吃什么?🇰🇷韩式炖牛仔骨! 前天在Costco囤了好多肉肉比如牛仔骨~ 😆 一整包牛仔骨30几刀可以分批吃好几次了! 今天分享一下这个超好吃又下饭的韩式做法! 做法没有多复杂味道却真的很不错下次试试~ 红枣我用的是亚米网买的思宏牌的大包实惠! 去核真的太方便了红枣核是热性的最好去掉 准备: 牛仔骨 4-5条 大蒜🧄 30g 去核红枣 5-6颗 梨或者苹果 一颗 胡萝卜 一根(可选) 干香菇 4-5朵 葱段 适量 酱汁: 酱油 100ml 料酒 3大勺 香油 1大勺 盐🧂 适量 黑胡椒 适量 做法: Step1. 香菇泡发,牛仔骨提前泡水去除血水,半小时换水一次直至水清。厨房纸吸干水份切块备用~ Step2. 苹果用榨汁机榨成泥状,和酱汁部分、葱段、大蒜混合均匀后放入牛仔骨腌制一小时。 Step3. 炖锅放入120ml清水,把泡发好的香菇、牛仔骨和腌制的汤水全部放进锅中大火烧开后转中小火煮 20分钟后放入胡萝卜、红枣继续炖煮20分钟后关火即可。水如果少了可以添加少量热水~ # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 元气亚米红 # # 高颜值美食 # # 温暖小厨房 # # 疫情宅家 #