㊙️The "Thousands of Roasted Pork" that is so delicious that the rice is wiped out is the taste of happiness~ One mouthful of a thousand pieces of meat. One more bite of rice guarantees you can eat two bowls of rice! Braised pork should be considered a very homely dish~ I think everyone loves it😋 This is the most successful one I have ever made! I can't help but want to share the recipe with you, it's really delicious~ I feel very happy to use the remaining soup for bibimbap! ! I still have some spare ribs left at home and cook them together, it's delicious! 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖 Ingredients: Pork Belly 400g Thousand knots 15 Onion ginger garlic appropriate amount Dried Chili (2-4) two star anise two bay leaves Three spoons of soy sauce A spoonful of old soy sauce One and a half spoons of cooking wine A handful of rock candy 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖 practice: Step1. Cut the pork belly into small pieces and soak it in cold water to remove the blood. Prepare the onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, bay leaves, and dried chili. If Qianzhangjie can't buy fresh, there is also dehydrated foam on Yami. Step2. Blanch the pork belly in a pot with cold water, and put two slices of ginger and some cooking wine at the same time. After the foam is boiled, turn off the heat, rinse with warm water, and absorb the water with kitchen paper. Step3. Fry the pork belly with less oil in the pan until the surface is golden brown. Fry it for a while to make it a little crunchy and it will be more delicious! ! Move the pork belly to the side of the pot, fry the onion, ginger, garlic and various spices in the pot to get the fragrance. The sauce can be mixed and prepared in advance. At this time, it can be poured in at one time. Then heat water over the pork belly, turn to low heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Step4. After 20 minutes, put in the thousand pieces of knot and continue to simmer for more than 10 minutes, and the juice is almost ready to be served. # 温暖小厨房 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 高颜值美食 # # 如7而至 # # 疫情宅家 #
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yami_featured_image ㊙️好吃到饭扫光的“千张结烧肉”这才是幸福的味道~ 一口千张结一口肉。 再来一口饭保证你能吃下两碗饭! 红烧肉算应该算是很家常的一道菜了吧~ 想必大家都爱吃😋这是我做的最成功的一次! 忍不住想和大家分享一下做法真的太好吃~ 剩下的一点汤汁用来拌饭都觉得幸福无比!! 家里还剩了些排骨就混在一起煮了也好吃! 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖 食材: 五花肉 400g 千张结 15个 葱姜蒜 适量 干辣椒(2-4个) 八角 两颗 香叶 两片 酱油 三勺 老抽 一勺 料酒 一勺半 冰糖 一小把 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖 做法: Step1. 五花肉切小块后浸泡在冷水里去除血水,准备好葱姜蒜、八角、香叶、干辣椒。千张结买不到新鲜的话亚米上也有脱水泡发的。 Step2. 五花肉冷水下锅焯水,同时放两片姜和适量料酒。煮出浮沫后关火用温水冲洗干净,并用厨房纸吸干水份。 Step3. 锅里少油下五花肉煸炒至表面金黄,多煎一会儿让它有点脆脆的感觉会更好吃哦!!五花肉挪到锅子一边,葱姜蒜和各种香料下锅炒出香味,调味汁可以提前混合准备好,这时候一次性倒入即可。然后加热水末过五花肉转小火盖盖焖煮20分钟。 Step4. 20分钟后放入千张结继续焖煮10分钟以上,慢慢收汁差不多就可以出锅了。 # 温暖小厨房 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 高颜值美食 # # 如7而至 # # 疫情宅家 #