# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Osmanthus cake for all ages Materials needed: glutinous rice flour, glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, sweet-scented osmanthus Sticky rice flour and glutinous rice flour my ratio is 10:1 Then slowly add water and rub with palms together until there is no dry powder This step is more important. It looks like it is undercooked when there is less water. There is too much water and it is too sticky. My degree is that when I grab it, it forms a ball and it disperses when I push it. Then prepare a sieve to sieve the mixed powder. This step is the most time-consuming. I don't have a hollowed-out abrasive tool at home, so I made an abrasive tool with foil 😂 Gently pour the sifted powder into it, do not use force and do not compact it I added sweet-scented osmanthus and brown sugar to the middle layer Put another layer of osmanthus sprinkled on the shop, get it, put it in cold water and start steaming About 20 minutes, the steaming time depends on the amount After 20 minutes, use a chopstick to scrape the cake If you can't scrape it off, that's fine. Delicious and healthy, the best choice for breakfast and afternoon tea✌️ You can also add dried fruits, see if you like
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 老少皆宜的桂花糕 所需材料:糯米粉 粘米粉 红糖 桂花 粘米粉和糯米粉 我的比例是10:1 然后慢慢加水 双手合掌揉搓到无干粉为止 这一步较重要 水少了吃起来好像没熟的样子 水多了又太黏 我的度是 手一抓 就成团 一推就散 然后准备个漏筛 把混合好的粉过筛 这一步最费时 家里没有镂空磨具 我就用foil做了个磨具😂 把过筛好的粉轻轻倒入 不可用力不可压实 铺到一半后我加了桂花和红糖在中层 再铺上一层洒店桂花 搞定 冷水下锅开始蒸 大概20分钟 蒸的时间看份量而定 20分钟后拿根筷子在糕上刮一刮 刮不下来就说明好了 好吃又健康 早餐下午茶的最佳选择✌️ 还可以添加干果类 看自己喜好哈