# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 ## 亚米测评 # The first review of 🍜 and Mei Soy Oil King Fried Noodles 🍜 (with exclusive recipe included) Soy Sauce Emperor Fried Noodles, Guangzhou people who have never eaten it can not be called authentic "Old Guangzhou" 😁 Probably every memory of a native Cantonese will leave such a scene: When a family goes to drink morning tea, there must be a figure of Soy Sauce King Fried Noodles on the rotating glass disc on the table😌 Why is this fried noodles so classic? Because the method is simple and the ingredients are simple, the taste is not simple at all. In this package of Yumei's Soy Sauce King Fried Noodles, all the ingredients are fully prepared. It only takes a few simple steps to eat Guangzhou's favorite Soy Sauce King Fried Noodles. ~~ 1⃣️Take out all the ingredients in the box, there is a packet of sesame seeds, a packet of dark soy sauce (after frying, I found out that it was dark soy sauce, because the color is dark but not too salty), a packet of sprouts, a packet of carrots silk, one side 2⃣️Put the noodles into boiling water, stir them from time to time, cook for about five minutes, pick a piece to taste, it can be chewed and the taste is not too tough, you can pick it up and drain the water 3⃣️Continue to boil the noodle water, add bean sprouts and carrots, cook for about a minute and take out 4⃣️Open the soy sauce packets and sesame packets for later use 5⃣️Heat oil in a frying pan, add noodles, bean sprouts, carrots and dark soy sauce, friends who usually have heavy mouths can add another spoonful of soy sauce, stir fry with wooden chopsticks for about a minute, add sesame seeds, drop a few drops Sesame oil, continue to stir fry for half a minute, then turn off the heat and remove it After making it, I found out that the amount is very impressive! My mother and I shared it for lunch and we could eat 80% full 👌 Because I didn't put extra soy sauce, the taste is relatively light, but it will not be completely tasteless, so I still recommend adding a little more soy sauce to increase the salty taste; the slightly fried sesame seeds have a faint aroma, if it is for taking pictures, it will look better The noodles can be poured out and then sprinkled with sesame seeds; the noodles have good toughness, and the taste is exactly the same as the fine fried noodles sold outside 👌
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yami_featured_image # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 ## 亚米测评 # 测评第一弹之🍜与美豉油皇炒面🍜(内附独家做法) 豉油皇炒面,没吃过的广州人都不能称得上是正宗的“老广州”😁 大概是每一份土生土长的广东人的回忆里都会留下这样的场景:一大家子去饮早茶时,桌上旋转的玻璃圆盘上面必须有豉油皇炒面的身影😌 为啥这炒面这么经典?因为做法简单材料简单,味道却一点都不简单哦~而这包与美的豉油皇炒面里,材料全部准备充足了,只需要简单几步就可以吃到广州人最爱的豉油皇炒面咯~~ 1⃣️把盒子里的材料全部拿出来,有一包芝麻,一包老抽酱油(炒完之后我才发现原来是老抽酱油,因为颜色深但是不太咸),一包芽菜,一包红萝卜丝,一个面 2⃣️面放入沸水,时不时搅拌一下,煮五分钟左右,夹一条尝尝看,可以嚼开而且口感不太韧就可以捞起沥干水分 3⃣️煮面水继续煮沸,放入豆芽菜和红萝卜,煮一分钟左右取出 4⃣️酱油包和芝麻包打开备用 5⃣️平底锅热锅热油,放入面条、豆芽、红萝卜和老抽酱油,平时口重的朋友可以另外放一勺酱油,用木筷子🥢翻炒一分钟左右,放入芝麻,滴几滴麻油,继续翻炒半分钟就可以关火捞出 做出来后才发现分量很不了得啊!我和妈妈两人分了当午餐能吃个八分饱👌 因为我没有额外放酱油,所以味道比较淡,但也不会完全没味道,所以我还是推荐自己额外放一点酱油增加咸味;略微炒过的芝麻有淡淡的香气,如果是为了拍照更好看点话可以盛出来后再撒上芝麻;面条的韧性不错,口感跟外面卖的细炒面如出一辙👌