# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I wanted to buy CJ's BBQ BBQ sauce before. Because of out of stock. So I bought Korean WANG sauce and JAYONE BBQ beef sauce. WANG's Pear Sauce Roast Beef Sauce was introduced before. Today I want to talk about this JAYONE. Seriously. The packaging of the two bottles looks like something. Even the taste is very similar. All are sweet. I personally feel that it is a little fishy to eat alone. I always use it for pickling. Then wrap it in flour and fry it. Or steam and fry it. The finished product is very good. Today is to use it to fry green pepper beef ribs. Besides adding normal five flavors and this Jayone sauce. Just remember to marinate the beef ribs in advance. This way. The flavor really penetrates into the meat. Every bite is delicious.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 之前想买CJ的BBQ烤肉酱的. 因为断货. 于是就买了韩国WANG酱汁和JAYONE BBQ牛肉酱. WANG的梨汁烤牛肉酱之前介绍过了. 今天想说说JAYONE这款. 说真的.两瓶的包装什么的都好像. 就连味道也非常像. 都属于偏甜口味. 我个人觉得单拿去蘸着吃有那么一点点腥. 我都是用它拿来腌制. 然后再裹粉拿去炸.或者蒸啊炒阿. 出来的成品都很不错. 今天就是用它来炒青椒牛仔骨. 除了加正常的五味和这款Jayone酱汁. 就是记得要提前腌制一下牛仔骨. 这样.味道真的渗透到肉里去了. 每一口都是好是好赞.