# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Roast Duck, Sweet Noodle Sauce, Shredded Green Onion, Spring Cake Come Set The method is as follows 1. Thaw the duck and wash it with water. 2. Coat the whole body of the duck with salt and pepper powder, both inside and outside. 3. Boil a large pot of boiling water, pour it all over the whole body of the duck, and turn it upside down three times. 4. Put the duck on the wine bottle to air dry for about 5-6 hours. After air drying, the duck skin will become paper-like, lose its elasticity and have pores. 5. Seasoning sauce, honey: vinegar: soy sauce = 2:1:1, which can be adjusted according to personal taste. Brush the whole body of the duck, air dry and brush again, and refrigerate overnight. 6. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (about 150 degrees Celsius), brush the duck with the sauce again before putting it in the oven, put onion ginger and an apple in the duck's belly, and seal it with a toothpick. 7. Bake the duck in the oven for 2 hours, bake the duck breast up for 1 hour, take it out and brush the sauce again, wrap the duck wings and legs with tin foil, bake the duck back up for another 30 minutes, and observe the coloring. Roast duck breast up for another 30 minutes. 8. Take out the duck, cool for a while, then slice. Put the roasted duck oil in a small pot. After the oil is slightly hot, add the sweet noodle sauce, water and sugar, and mix thoroughly. Hot water and noodles, the noodles are slightly soft, wait for a while, cut into small doses, stick the two small doses together, put a lot of oil in the middle, roll into thin cakes, put them in a pan over low heat (no oil is needed), When the center is bulging, turn it over, and tear the two pancakes apart while they are still hot. Or steamed. Serve with sweet noodle sauce, roast duck, cucumber, shallot, and enjoy. Small wine, let's take a walk~
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 烤鸭 甜面酱 葱丝 春饼 来一套 做法如下 1. 鸭子解冻,清水洗干净。 2. 用盐和花椒粉涂遍鸭子全身,里外都要涂。3. 烧一大锅开水,浇遍鸭子全身,反正面三次。 4. 把鸭子插在酒瓶子上风干,大约5-6小时,风干后的鸭皮会像纸一样,失去弹性,会出现毛孔。 5. 调酱料,蜂蜜:醋:酱油=2:1:1,可以根据个人口味调节。刷满鸭子全身,风干后再刷一遍,入冰箱冷藏过夜。 6. 预热烤箱华氏300度(摄氏约150度),鸭子入烤箱前再刷一遍酱料,在鸭肚子里放葱姜和一个苹果,用牙签封口。 7. 鸭子入烤箱烤2小时,鸭胸向上烤1个小时,拿出来再刷一遍酱料,同时用锡纸把鸭翅和鸭腿包住,鸭背向上再烤30分钟,观察上色情况,鸭胸向上再烤30分钟。 8. 取出鸭子,冷却片刻,切片即可。 小锅里放烤出的鸭油,油稍热后加入甜面酱,水和糖,调匀即可。 热水和面,面稍软些,饧一会,切成小剂子,两个小剂子粘一起,中间放大量的油,擀成薄饼,放平底锅小火烙(不用放油),中间鼓起后翻面,烙好后趁热将两篇薄饼撕开。 或者蒸熟也可以。 配上甜面酱,烤鸭,黄瓜,小葱,开吃吧。小酒,走一个呗~