# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Fried black fungus with yam This dish I can really eat every day! I have been eating it for two days in a row. This dish is simple and easy to make, nutritious and healthy! Black fungus is rich in protein, high in iron, and rich in vitamin E, nourishing blood, preventing constipation, preventing cardiovascular disease, etc.~ You can eat a lot by grabbing a small handful at a time. After running for more than an hour, it is all soaked, rinsed, and boiled. After the water is boiled, first put the black fungus in the water to blanch for a while, and then put the remaining green vegetables in the pot. Boil the water and then pick it up, heat the pan with oil, add the garlic ➕ into all the vegetables, sprinkle some salt and pepper, and fry the chicken essence for a few times. Quickly get out of the pot to prevent the yam from sticking. , if you like softer ones, you can boil the fungus for a while longer. The most eaten vegetable during confinement is the fungus. The old people say that the black fungus can drain the dirt from the body. The black fungus is fried or cold. It's delicious, and it goes well with cooking and cooking!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 山药炒黑木耳 这道菜我真的可以天天吃!连吃两天了.简单好做营养健康飞这道菜莫属! 黑木耳 含丰富蛋白质,含铁量高,还有丰富的维生素E养颜补血,防止便秘,预防心血管疾病等~ 一次抓一小把就能吃很多来,大概跑了一个多小时,就全泡发好了,冲洗干净,水煮开后先放黑木耳进行焯水多煮一会儿,再把剩余青菜一齐下锅焯水再捞起,热锅下油下蒜头➕入所有的菜,撒点盐胡椒粉鸡精炒几下就行了,赶紧出锅防止山药黏糊,山药爽脆,黑木耳木耳香脆可口又不烂,喜欢软一点的可以把木耳焯水时多煮一会儿.坐月子期间吃的最多的蔬菜就是木耳了,老人家都说黑木耳能把身体里的脏东西排走.黑木耳不管是炒还是凉拌都很好吃,炒菜煮面样样搭!