Wonderlab Meal Replacement Shake! # #神奇减肥好物# # Notice! please! It's not that drinking will make you lose weight! Meal replacement is to replace one or more meals. This can ensure a balanced nutritional intake while reducing calorie intake. About 230-250 calories per bottle. About half the calories of an average meal. It is recommended for people who have a bad appetite in the morning like me to drink it for breakfast. Thief full. One bottle is the feeling that it is about to last. But it only lasts about 3-3.5 hours. It's almost enough. Most recommended: Mango yellow peach (very fruity, fresh and hanging) Zhizhi Berry (milky, tender) White peach oolong (it is the taste of white peach milk tea, note that this is different from the others, thinner. The texture of milk tea, the others are the texture of milkshake) There is also a hot wheat crispy fragrant milk tea (very fragrant milk tea rice taste, but also milk tea texture) Honestly the best meal replacement shake I've ever had. The nutrition table was studied, and it was commendable for the composition of dietary fiber and protein. About 13-20 grams per bottle. About half of what the human body needs in a day. So it's very friendly to friends who are not comfortable going to the toilet! There are also more than 20 grams of protein. Finally, I wish you all the best to lose weight/fat loss!
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Wonderlab 代餐奶昔!# #神奇减肥好物# # 注意!拜托!并不是喝了就会瘦!代餐代餐,就是要拿一餐或多餐出来替换。这个可以保证减少卡路里摄入的同时,营养摄入均衡。每瓶大概230-250大卡。约等于平均一餐的卡路里的一半。建议像我一样早上胃口不好的人士当早餐喝。贼饱腹。一瓶就是要快撑了的感觉。但是只能维持大概3-3.5个小时。也差不多够了。 最推荐: 芒果黄桃(果味很重,清新挂的) 芝芝莓果(奶味重,温柔挂的) 白桃乌龙(就是白桃奶茶味儿,注意这个和其他几个不同,较稀。奶茶的质感,其它几个是奶昔的质感) 还有一个热麦脆香奶茶(很香的奶茶稻谷味儿,也是奶茶质感的) 说实话是我喝过的代餐奶昔里最好喝的了。 研究了营养表,值得表扬的是膳食纤维和蛋白质的成分。每瓶大概13-20克不等。大概是人体一天所需要摄入的一半。所以对上厕所不太顺畅的朋友很友好!蛋白质也有二十多克。 最后,祝各位减肥/减脂顺利呀!