# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # The sizzling weight loss food 1⃣️: Dr. Liv grapefruit flavor jelly I like these jelly packaging in Korea as always, they feel very high-end, and their appearance is stable online 👌 Grapefruit flavor is a very fresh flavor. I have never tasted grapefruit-flavored jelly, so I decided to try something new: There is a surprise! The grapefruit taste is very full, with a slight bitter taste of the grapefruit itself, sweet and sour and a little astringent taste, the taste of the grapefruit is quite real👌 In addition, this brand of jelly is still as real as ever, remember to pinch it with your hands before drinking it, otherwise you may not be able to take a bite if you inhale hypoxia (don't ask me how I know 😐)
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 嘶溜嘶溜的减肥好物1⃣️:Dr. Liv西柚味果冻 韩国的这些果冻包装我都一如既往的喜欢,摸着很高级,而且颜值稳稳地在线👌 西柚味倒是个很新鲜的口味,从来没有尝过西柚味的果冻,所以果断入手尝新了: 有惊喜!西柚味很足,略带西柚本身的淡苦味,酸酸甜甜又有一点点涩涩的口感,西柚的味道还挺真实的👌 另外,这个牌子的果冻还是一如既往的实在,记得喝之前用手捏一捏,不然恐怕吸到缺氧都吃不上一口(不要问我是怎么知道的😐)