# 今日份家常菜 # # 一周瘦身大作战 #Slimming battle punch card 6—healthy and healthy red jujube wolfberry millet porridge🥣 Lycium barbarum has the effects of invigorating the kidney and calming the nerves, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, red dates invigorating Qi and blood, while millet is one of the most natural five grains, which has the effect of nourishing yin and invigorating deficiency. The three ingredients are cooked together, which is beneficial to Dantian, has multiple functions of replenishing deficiency and opening the stomach. This porridge is very simple to make, the steps are as follows: 1. Wash the millet clean (one cup is enough for two people), add an appropriate amount of water (the tick mark of the porridge), put it into the rice cooker, and press the porridge mode; 2. Soak the red dates in water to remove the core, and wash the wolfberry for later use; 3. After the millet porridge is cooked, put the porridge into the soup pot, add the pitted red dates and wolfberry, and babies who like to drink sweet porridge can add some rock sugar and cook on high heat for 5 minutes! The millet porridge cooked in this way is super delicious, and it can also be served with some pickles, which is healthy and reduces fat, so let's try it!
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# 今日份家常菜 # # 一周瘦身大作战 #瘦身大作战打卡6—健康养生红枣枸杞小米粥🥣 枸杞具有补肾安神、润肺止咳的功效,红枣补气补血,而小米则是最天然的五谷之一,具有滋阴补虚的效用。三种食材煮到一起,有益丹田,具有补虚损,开肠胃的多重功效。 这款粥的做法十分简单,步骤如下: 1.小米淘洗干净(一杯够两人吃),加入适量的水(粥的刻度线),放入电饭锅中,按煮粥模式; 2. 红枣泡水去核,枸杞洗干净备用; 3. 小米粥煮好后,盛粥到汤锅中,放入去核的红枣和枸杞,喜欢喝甜粥的宝宝们可以加点冰糖,大火煮5分钟即可! 这样煮出来的小米粥超级好喝,还可以配点咸菜,又健康又减脂,赶快试试吧!