# 2021亚米面膜节 #elasticity and moisturizing, creating moisturizing and translucent skin ❤️JM water nourishing silky silk mask evaluation This time, Yamibuy's Mask Festival has included many series of JM SOLUTION masks. Almost every day, a mask is not the same. I plan to find the best mask in its family. This water nourishing silk mask has been planted for a long time, so let me test this mask for babies. 🍀Mask material The mask paper is made of Tencel membrane cloth, which is not particularly thin but not thick. It is very soft to the touch and fits closely with the face. It is a medium size and can barely cover my big face. The essence is super abundant. After applying the mask, there is a lot of leftovers. It can be used to wipe the neck and hands. It is refreshing and not greasy. I like it! 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask 3-fold hyaluronic acid - absorbs a lot of moisture, locks in moisture and forms a strong moisture protective film to keep skin hydrated; 4-fold peptide essence - improve skin relaxation, restore skin elasticity and vitality; Moringa seed extract - eliminate toxins, promote metabolism, prevent skin aging; It contains saffron fruit extract, vitamin c, pearl extract, niacinamide, etc. to brighten the complexion and create smooth and translucent skin. 🍀Actual use experience This JM water nourishing silky silk mask has been waiting for a long time. The mask cloth is very skin-friendly and comfortable to touch. The essence is transparent, moisturizing and not too sticky. A layer of water film is formed on the face, which is super moisturizing and translucent, and the moisturizing effect is very good. The next day, the face is still moist and firm, and the effect is great 🥰
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #弹力保湿,缔造水润透亮肌❤️JM水滋养丝滑蚕丝面膜测评 这次亚米面膜节入了JM SOLUTION面膜超多系列,几乎每天一片面膜不重样,打算找出它家最棒的面膜。这款水滋养丝滑蚕丝面膜被种草已久,接下来就让我给宝宝们测评下这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜材质 面膜纸采用的是天丝膜布,不是特别薄但也不厚,触感十分柔软,与脸部贴合紧密。它的大小适中,能勉强覆盖我的大脸,精华液超级充足,敷完面膜后都有不少剩余,可以用来抹脖子和手部,清爽不油腻,赞一个! 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 3重透明质酸— 吸收大量水分,锁住水分并形成强力的水分保护膜,保持肌肤水润; 4重胜肽精华— 改善肌肤松弛,恢复肌肤弹力生机; 辣木籽萃取物—排除毒素,促进新陈代谢,防止肌肤老化; 含金虎尾果提取物、维生素c、珍珠提取物、烟酰胺等,提亮肤色,打造光滑透亮肌肤。 🍀实际使用感受 这款JM水滋养丝滑蚕丝面膜期待已久,面膜布非常亲肤,触感舒适,精华液透明,水润, 不太粘腻,据说可拉丝,但我没拉出来,使用完面膜后,脸部形成了一层水膜,超级水润透亮,保湿效果很赞,第二天起来面部仍然水润紧致,效果棒棒哒🥰