# 2021亚米面膜节 #Japan LULULUN Green Retaining Water Oil Balancing Mask This is the first time I bought a facial mask from LULULUN in Japan. Their facial mask is quite famous. This green water-oil balancing mask is one of the facial masks recently launched for mature skin. Saccharide oligosaccharide, seaweed extract, L22 essential oil and other ingredients, rich in minerals and vitamins, can rejuvenate the skin. The material of the mask is the same as its ordinary models. It is colorless, odorless, and alcohol-free. The mask cloth is soft and docile. After applying it, the face becomes very soft and firm, very comfortable, praise!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #日本LULULUN 绿色驻颜水油平衡面膜 第一次买日本LULULUN家的面膜,它家面膜名气蛮大的,这款绿色的水油平衡面膜是最近针对熟龄肌推出的面膜之一,主打驻颜水油平衡,含有a-葡聚糖寡糖、海藻提取物、L22 精华油等成分,富含矿物质和维他命,能焕发皮肤生命力。面膜材质与它家的普通款是一样的,无色无味无酒精,膜布柔软服帖,敷完后脸部变得很柔嫩紧致,很舒服,赞!