# 夏日清凉 #Cold salad with celery, peanuts, rice and carrots, this is super delicious‼ ️ Salad with celery, peanuts, carrots is a home-cooked cold dish that northerners love. It tastes very appetizing and refreshing. It is not only very suitable for meals, but also suitable for snacks. It is very suitable for summer.‼ ️ Next, I will share with you my approach: 🥙 Ingredients: Raw peanuts 🥜 2 and a half cups (the size of a rice cooker) two celery Carrots 🥕 2 sliced or diced (or a small bag of small carrots) Garlic half 3 star anise 7-8 slices of ginger Two green onions cut into pieces a pinch of salt Sauce: 2 tablespoons minced garlic, 1 tablespoon white sesame, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1/3 tablespoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon sugar 🥗 Practice 1. Wash the peanuts, put them in a pressure cooker, add one star anise, three or four slices of ginger, scallions, and an appropriate amount of water, the water should be less than 1cm of the peanuts, and cook for 30 minutes at high pressure; 2. While the peanuts are cooking, cut the celery and carrots into cubes or slices, blanch in boiling water with a tablespoon of salt for 2 minutes, then remove them for later use; 3. After the peanuts are cooked, drain the water, remove the star anise, ginger slices, and scallions and wash them, put them in a large bowl with carrots and celery, add two tablespoons of minced garlic and one tablespoon of white sesame seeds; 4. Put twice as much oil as usual for cooking in a hot pan, add two star anises and three or four slices of ginger, fry slowly over low heat until fragrant, take out the ginger slices and star anise, turn on high heat and burn the oil until smoking; 5. Pour hot oil over minced garlic and white sesame seeds, then add three tablespoons of soy sauce, two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, one tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar, and 1/2 tablespoon of salt. Stir well! ✅Small tips 1. When cooking peanuts, you can also cook them in an ordinary pot. The time is a little longer. In addition to the listed spices, you can also add fragrant leaves, cinnamon, etc., and the flavor of the marinade is more intense; 2. You can add chopped green onion and minced pepper to the sauce; 3. In some recipes, balsamic vinegar can be omitted, but the ratio of soy sauce and oyster sauce can be adjusted, about 2:1; 4. If you don't want to pour hot oil, you can use sesame oil and chili oil instead. The peanuts produced in this way are fragrant and rich in sesame fragrance. The carrots and celery are also very refreshing and crispy. They are very delicious. You may try it if you like‼ ️Make a big pot at a time, you can seal it and save it and eat it multiple times, you can eat or drink with food🥰🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #
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# 夏日清凉 #凉拌芹菜花生米胡萝卜,这么做超好吃‼️ 凉拌芹菜花生米胡萝卜是北方人喜爱的一道家常凉菜,吃起来非常开胃爽口,不但非常下饭也适合做下酒菜,非常适合夏天喔‼️ 接下来给大家分享下我的做法: 🥙食材: 生的花生米🥜2杯半(淘米煮饭杯大小) 芹菜两根 胡萝卜🥕2根切成片或者丁(或者一小袋小胡萝卜) 蒜半颗 八角3颗 姜片7-8片 葱两根切成段 盐少许 酱汁:蒜末两勺、白芝麻一勺、生抽三勺、香醋2勺、蚝油1勺、盐1/3勺、糖1/2勺 🥗做法 1.将花生米洗干净,放入高压锅中,加入一颗八角、三四片姜、葱段以及适量的清水,水量没过花生1cm即可,高压煮30分钟即可; 2. 煮花生的同时,将芹菜、胡萝卜切成丁或者片,沸水加一勺盐焯2分钟后捞出备用; 3.花生煮好后沥掉水,去除八角、姜片、葱段洗净,放入盛有胡萝卜和芹菜的大碗中,放入蒜末两勺、白芝麻一勺; 4. 热锅放入比平时炒菜多一倍的油,放入两颗八角和三四片姜,小火慢煎出香味,将姜片和八角捞出,开大火将油烧至冒烟; 5. 将热油浇到蒜末和白芝麻上,再放入三勺生抽、两勺香醋、一勺蚝油、白糖1/2勺、盐1/2勺,搅拌均匀即可! ✅小tips 1. 煮花生时普通锅煮也可以,时间稍长点即可,除了列出的香料,还可以放入香叶、桂皮等,卤香味更浓郁; 2.酱汁中可以自行加入葱花、辣椒末; 3.有的菜谱中会不放香醋也可以,只不过生抽和蚝油的比例可以调整下,大约2:1; 4.不想浇热油的话可以用香油、辣椒油代替。 这样做出来的花生米卤香四溢,还有浓郁的芝麻香味,胡萝卜和芹菜也非常爽口香脆,非常美味,喜欢的话不妨试试‼️一次做一大盆,可以密封保存分多次吃呢,下饭下酒都可以哦🥰🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #