# 夏日清凉 # Look at the run, you know An Muxi This yellow peach oat flavor has a 4.7 star rating on Yami Makes me so curious about how it tastes Items on Yami are now added with an expiration date It's very convenient small bottle A bottle of only 200g is $2.49 a little expensive I have also drank other flavors of An Muxi before. In general An Muxi's yogurt is smooth and delicate Then add different flavors on this basis This boxed version is thicker than the bottled version Very clearly see the yellow peach Oatmeal is a bit sinking It is better to shake before drinking Worth a try
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# 夏日清凉 # 看奔跑吧知道的安慕希 这款黄桃燕麦味在亚米上4.7星好评 让我太好奇它的味道 现在亚米上的商品都添加了有效时期 这样非常的方便 小小的一瓶 一瓶只有200g就要$2.49 有点小贵 之前也喝过其他口味的安慕希 总的来说 安慕希的酸奶都是口感顺滑细腻 然后在这个基础上添加不同的口味 这种盒装和瓶装相比更浓稠 非常清楚的看见黄桃 燕麦有点沉底 喝之前要摇一摇更适合 值得一试