# 夏日清凉 #Reduce fat and beautify, come and try this cucumber mixed with fungus‼ ️ Cucumber mixed with fungus is a very popular cold dish in summer. Fungus can nourish blood and keep the face, and cucumber loses weight and eliminates fat. Putting the two together is even more beautiful and delicious! Today I will share with you my secret recipe. 🥙Food 2 small cucumbers, smashed directly with a kitchen knife, cut into pieces without a Chinese kitchen knife 2 handfuls of dried fungus, soaked in cold water, about a large bowl 1 red pepper (for garnish, optional, finely chopped) 7-8 slices ginger (half shredded and half kept flaky) Universal Soul Sauce (half garlic, cut into minced garlic; 2 shallots, cut into chopped green onion; 2 tablespoons of cooked sesame seeds; 2 tablespoons of chili noodles; 3 tablespoons of soy sauce; 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar; 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1 tsp sugar; appropriate amount of oil) Cooking oil (an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, 2 star anise, half an onion diced, a small handful of peppercorns, 3-4 slices of ginger) 🥗 Practice 👉Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and boil, add the washed fungus, cook for 3-5 minutes, turn off the heat and drain the fungus; 👉Put the blanched fungus and smashed cucumber into a large bowl, add 2 spoons of minced garlic, 2 spoons of chopped green onion, 2 spoons of chili noodles, and 2 spoons of cooked sesame seeds (do not stir); 👉Prepare the cooking oil: Put twice as much vegetable oil in the hot pot as usual for cooking, and then add half an onion, 2 star anise, a small handful of peppercorns (about 20), and 3-4 slices of ginger to fry over low heat until fragrant, you know The pepper begins to turn black, turn the fire to high, remove the onion, pepper, star anise, ginger slices, continue to burn the oil until smoking; 👉Pour the hot oil over the minced garlic and chopped green onion in the shredded potato bowl, and finally add 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and stir well! ⚠️ Tips ✅The above ingredients are for 2 people, and the ingredients for a single serving are scaled down. ✅The fungus must be boiled in water to eat, the general recipe recommends 3 minutes, but I was worried that the fungus was not too cooked, so I cooked it for 5 minutes; ✅The sauce is still the same as the all-purpose sauce shared before. However, before, I used hot vegetable oil to pour minced garlic directly. This time, it has been improved. Now the vegetable oil is prepared to make a fragrance before pouring it hot. In this way, The charming fragrance of star anise, ginger and onion is fully killed by the potato shreds, it is healthy and delicious to eat🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #
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# 夏日清凉 #减脂又美颜,快来试试这款黄瓜拌木耳吧‼️ 黄瓜拌木耳是夏天非常受欢迎的一道凉菜,木耳能养血驻颜,黄瓜减肥消脂,两个放一起更是养颜又美味! 今天给大家来分享下我的秘密食谱吧。 🥙食材 小黄瓜2条,直接用菜刀拍碎,没有中国菜刀就切成块吧 干木耳2把,放凉水泡发,约有一大碗 红椒1个(装饰用,可选,切成细丝) 姜7-8片(其中一半切丝,一半保持片状) 万能灵魂酱汁(蒜半头,切成蒜末;葱两根,切成葱花;熟芝麻2勺;辣椒面2勺;生抽3勺;香醋2勺;蚝油1勺;盐1茶匙;糖1茶匙;料油适量) 料油(菜油适量,2个八角,半个洋葱切块,一小把花椒,3-4片姜) 🥗做法 👉锅里放入适量的水煮沸,放入洗净的木耳,煮3-5分钟,关火沥出木耳; 👉将焯好的木耳、拍碎的黄瓜块放入超大碗中,加入2勺蒜末、2勺葱花、2勺辣椒面、2勺熟芝麻(不要搅拌); 👉准备料油: 热锅里放入比平时炒菜多一倍的菜油,再放入半个洋葱、2个八角、一小把花椒(20粒左右)、3-4片姜小火煎出香味,知道花椒开始变黑,转大火,捞出洋葱、花椒、八角、姜片,继续将油烧至冒烟; 👉把热油往土豆丝碗中的蒜末葱花上浇下去,最后依次放入3勺生抽、2勺香醋、1勺蚝油、1茶匙盐、1茶匙糖,搅拌均匀即可! ⚠️小贴士 ✅以上的配料是2个人的分量,单人份食材配料按比例缩减。 ✅木耳必须经过焯水煮熟才能吃,,一般菜谱推荐的是3分钟,但我担心木耳没有太熟,煮了5分钟; ✅酱汁还是用的用之前分享的万能酱汁,不过,之前是直接用烧热的菜油浇蒜末,这次改良了一下,现将菜油调制出香味之后再进行热浇,这样一来,八角、姜丝、洋葱的迷人香味就被土豆丝充分死后了,吃起来既健康又美味哦喔🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #