# 夏日清凉 #Crispy pickled radish is a refreshing and greasy side dish, sweet and sour appetizers in summer. practice: 1⃣️Peel the red and white radish and cut into long strips. Add two tablespoons of salt to mix well and let stand for half an hour. During this process, the radish sticks will release a lot of water. 2⃣️ Pour out the water, rinse the radish with pure water, and put it in a sealed bottle after controlling the water. 3⃣️Cut two millet peppers and half a lemon, then add an appropriate amount of sugar and rice vinegar. You can also add a few chopped garlic cloves. Then shake the bottle well and refrigerate before serving. The amount of rice vinegar and sugar can be put according to personal taste. After mixing, taste the sweetness and sourness. Lee Kum Kee's rice vinegar is especially delicious for cold dishes. In addition to rice vinegar, lemon is added to keep the radish fresh. Pickled radishes can be kept in the refrigerator for about a week after they are made, and they are especially crisp!
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# 夏日清凉 #爽脆腌萝卜是一道清爽解腻的小菜,夏天佐餐酸甜开胃。 做法: 1⃣️红白萝卜去皮切长条。放两勺盐抓匀,静置半小时。这个过程萝卜条会出很多水。 2⃣️倒掉出的水分,用纯净水把萝卜冲洗干净,控水后放在密封瓶里。 3⃣️切两个小米椒和半颗柠檬,再加入适量白糖,米醋。也可以加入几瓣切好的蒜片。然后把瓶子摇晃均匀,冰箱冷藏后食用。 米醋和白糖用量可以根据个人口味放,拌好后尝一尝酸甜度。 李锦记这个米醋做凉拌菜特别入味。除了米醋还要加柠檬,是为了保持萝卜的新鲜。 腌萝卜做好后可以在冰箱冷藏保存一周左右,特别脆!