# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Let’s share some interesting seasonings. The Tamajirushi Yuzu Pepper Dipping Sauce in Figure 1 is recommended. I thought it was similar to sesame salad dressing... I didn't expect it to be such a flavor, similar to wasabi sauce style sauce, but not mustard. I remember the old grandmother ordered a few small cold dishes at the izakaya when we were having dinner together... This is the taste of the sauce mixed with raw seafood. To be honest, I'm not used to this taste, but Dian Bin likes it. It's delicious to dip the fried chicken thighs with salt and black pepper. This thing varies from person to person. If you like it, you will like it very much. I highly recommend everyone to buy it and try it. The Okafuku octopus ball sauce in Figure 2 can be recommended or not. The reason for the recommendation is that it saves trouble. Those who are not too picky probably think it is delicious. It is also a match with octopus balls. It is suitable for lazy people. The reason why it is not recommended is that this sauce is not the same as the domestic improved version of the sauce, and it does not taste like the octopus balls sauce bought in Japan. It's the same...it feels like it's mixed with Japanese pork chop sauce...closer but different, but I don't like Japanese octopus balls sauce either, it's usually salted with scallions...anyway I feel like I don't have a bad mouth can enter. In Figure 3, there is also a light soy sauce and mirin. There is nothing to say about mirin. It is a must for Japanese ingredients. Lazy people can mix sugar with cooking wine, but in fact, there are not many times to make Japanese ingredients. Such a small bottle can be used for a long time, and it is not expensive. Just buy one if you don’t mind the trouble. I haven't opened the soy sauce yet... But apart from the fact that it tastes very fresh, the whole world has a taste of soy sauce... There is nothing unpleasant to say about this kind of thing.
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 来分享一些比较有趣的调料吧。图1 的Tamajirushi 柚子胡椒蘸酱是推荐的。我本来以为是类似芝麻沙拉酱那种……没想到是这么个味,类似wasabi酱汁风格的酱,但是不是芥末味。我记得之前散伙饭时前辈的老奶奶在居酒屋点了几个小凉菜……种拌生海鲜的酱汁就是这个味。实话实说我吃不惯这个味,但是呆斌挺喜欢,随便用盐和黑胡椒腌一下煎的鸡腿肉蘸着这个就挺好吃的。这个东西因人而异吧,喜欢的会很喜欢,很推荐大家买来试试。 图2的Okafuku 章鱼小丸子酱可推荐可不推荐,说推荐的原因是,它省事儿。不是太挑嘴的大概觉得好吃,和章鱼小丸子也算是搭配,适合懒人,不推荐的原因是这款和国内改良版的酱不是一个味,和日本买的章鱼小丸子酱汁味也不一样……感觉是用日式猪排酱混出来的……接近但是不同,不过日本的章鱼小丸子酱我也不爱吃,一般都是点葱盐味的...anyway觉得自己嘴巴不刁的可以入。 图3还有个生抽和味淋,味淋没啥可说的了,做日料必备。懒人可以用料酒混合砂糖,不过其实日料做的次数也不多,这么小小一瓶能用很久,也不贵,不嫌麻烦就买一个吧。生抽我还没开...不过除了味极鲜全世界生抽一个味...这种东西是没啥难吃之说的。