# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 10. Let me recommend #小龙康清油 Self-heating hotpot#. Among all the self-heating hot pots in Y1S1, the best I have eaten so far is this Xiaolongkan. The leftover sauce I used to soak bamboo shoots and tripe tasted great, but it was very spicy and I was bloated for a long time after eating it... Because it is too spicy, it is a bit hard for the stomach to digest. I have never eaten Xiaolongkan's hot pot in China, so I don't know if it is the same as the one in the store. 9 knives a box, suitable for eating by yourself. I even left the soup to freeze...for the next noodle or something. There are not only other self-heating hot pot flavors, but also a little more cannibal flavor of hot and sour noodles, and a little bit of Master Kong's spicy beef noodles. More precisely, it is very close to the spicy pot taste of domestic chain hot pot restaurants. really tasty. By the way, let’s spit out the butter, the butter is not recommended. Whether it is clear oil or beef, it is not recommended to put the vinegar bag, or eat half of it (if you like sour taste). Butter feels more oily, has a heavy taste, and is not as delicious as clear oil. And the only disadvantage of this self-heating hot pot is that the box is really too small, there are few dishes, and it is very laborious to mix a little more.
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 10.来推荐一下 #小龙坎清油自热火锅#。 Y1S1所有自热火锅里我目前吃的最好吃的确实是这个小龙坎。这个剩下的料汁我拿来泡笋和牛肚味道也是极其棒,不过挺辣的吃完之后胃胀气了好久……因为太辣胃消化起来有点费劲。我在国内并没有吃过小龙坎的火锅,不知道和店里是不是一个味。 9刀一盒吧,适合自己加菜吃。我甚至把汤留下来冻上了...准备以后下个面啥的。既有其他的自热火锅的味,又多了一点点食人族酸辣粉的味道,还有一丢丢康师傅香辣牛肉面味。更准确的说是很接近国内连锁火锅店的辣锅味道。真的很好吃。 顺便吐槽一下牛油的吧,牛油的不推荐。不管是清油还是牛肉,都不建议放醋包,或者吃一半再放(如果喜欢酸口)。牛油的感觉油更多,味儿重,没有清油好吃。以及这个自热火锅唯一的缺点大概是盒子真的是太小了,本身菜少,自己多放一点菜都拌的很费劲。