# 年货好物种草指南 # 31. Haidilao Chopsticks Chef Sauerkraut Fish Seasoning Pack. This one is not as delicious as the good family just now, but it is still worth recommending. Because the good people's spicy buns are not separated separately, those who can't eat spicy really can't eat that one. This chili pack is listed separately! If you don't put it in, it's really not spicy at all! (Not spicy is for me, but there are a few slices of chili in the sauerkraut bag, which may be a little spicy for people who don't eat spicy food). And the chili buns are all put in, and it's not too spicy... The pickled cabbage tastes very positive, and it can be eaten as a whole (the pickled cabbage fish in southern Sichuan is very unpalatable), so it is worth recommending! But I want to talk about the shortcomings of this package: 1⃣️The marinade package has no flavor, and the white pepper powder tastes a little bit. It is said that it corresponds to 1500g of fish meat. In fact, I prepared 700g of meat slices, which is not enough at all... Don't follow the instructions That kind of prepares a lot of fish. 2⃣️And the amount of starch in the meat marinade package is small, so the meat is really straight, and the meat is Chai Chai. You still have to put some starch soy sauce or something on your own. 3⃣️The package says to put 1.6L of water... However, I put 1.2L, and the taste is not particularly heavy. I have to put the meat in it and boil it to evaporate and sleep, otherwise the taste will be weak. It may also be that I have a heavy mouth?
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 31. 海底捞 筷手小厨 酸菜鱼调料包。这款没有刚才那个好人家的好吃,但是依然值得推荐。因为好人家的辣包没有单独分离出来,不能吃辣的真的没法吃那款。这款辣椒包是单独列出来的 !如果不放进去,吃着就是实打实一点也不辣!(不辣是对我来说,不过酸菜包里有几片辣椒,对不吃辣的人来说可能会有一丢丢丢辣味)。 而且辣椒包都放进去,也不咋辣 ……酸菜味很正,整体吃着也可以(川南那个酸菜鱼就巨难吃),所以值得推荐!不过我要说一下这个料包的缺点: 1⃣️腌料包没啥味,白胡椒粉味一丢丢,说是对应1500g鱼肉,实际上我备了700g的肉片,根本不够用…可别按说明那种准备好多鱼。 2⃣️而且那个肉片腌料包里淀粉量少,真的直接下肉,肉就是柴柴的。还是得自己放点淀粉酱油啥的上浆才行。3⃣️包装说是放1.6L水……然而我放了1.2L,感觉味道也不是特别重,还得是放了肉进去后煮蒸发点睡,不然味道会淡..也有可能是我口重?