# 年货好物种草指南 # I found that my cooking is mainly Kuaishou home-cooked food 😂 It is convenient to have a good meal while taking the baby Material: Chinese sausage, dried tofu, celery🥬, garlic🧄, salt, pepper, vinegar practice: 1. Sauté sausage slices and garlic until fragrant (because the sausage itself has oil, so you can leave out the oil, and sauté on low heat until the oil in the sausage is fried) 2. Add chopped celery and stir fry 3. Add in the chopped dried fragrant dried fragrant, continue to heat and stir fry 4. Add salt, pepper, and a little vinegar Celery is ready to cook This quick stir fry is loaded with plant protein and crude fiber synonymous with healthy and delicious Those who are afraid of fat can replace the sausage with lean meat Then add a little soy sauce Just as delicious and lose weight
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 我发现我做饭都是以快手家常菜为主😂 方便带娃的同时 能吃好饭吧 材料: 腊肠、豆干、芹菜🥬、蒜🧄、盐、胡椒、陈醋 做法: 1. 腊肠切片与蒜粒一起爆香(因为腊肠本身有油,所以可以不放油,小火爆香直至腊肠里的油都被炒出来) 2. 放入切好的芹菜进行翻炒 3. 加入切好的香干,继续加热翻炒 4. 加入盐、胡椒,以及少量的陈醋(少量的醋起到提鲜开胃的作用,一定不要太多) 芹菜炒熟即可出锅 这道快速小炒富含大量的植物蛋白和粗纤维 健康美味代名词 怕胖的可以将腊肠换成瘦肉 然后加一丢丢生抽即可 一样好吃又减肥