# 亚米虎年红包 # # 虎年开箱晒红包 # Seeing that the hundreds of millions of taels had good reviews, I ordered two of them, and they were really delicious! The red bean paste in the egg yolk crisp is very floury. I prefer Yudanbo. The white phoenix bean paste inside has a super good taste, and the texture is also obvious. The skin is thin and tough, and the entrance is soft. Both are not too sweet. Recommended !
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# 亚米虎年红包 # # 虎年开箱晒红包 # 看到亿万两评价很好,就下单了两款,果然非常好吃!蛋黄酥的里面的红豆沙非常面沙,我更喜欢御丹波,里面白色的白凤豆沙口感超好,吃起来层次感也很明显,皮很薄又韧,入口松软,两者都不太甜,推荐!