# 2022双节快乐 # I have also eaten a lot of snacks and fast food from Yumei. This is the first time I have tried this noodle soup. In general, the noodle is a good taste of hand-rolled noodles~ There are 4 individual packages in this big bag of Yumei Lao Soup Noodles, each individual package is 115 grams, and there are three seasoning packages, namely vegetable package, soup package and oil package. According to the package instructions, there are two ways to do it, the boiled noodle method and the instant noodle method. Personally, I always prefer boiled noodles, and I feel that the taste will be better after cooking. This noodle is thick noodles, and the cooked taste is very strong, with the taste of hand-rolled noodles. The soup has a strong sheep soup taste, but it is a little salty, and there is a little excess MSG. This Yumei Lao Soup Noodles is priced at $6.89 at Yamibuy, a pack of four, which is very filling.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 陆陆续续也吃过好多来自与美的零食和速食了,这款来汤烩面还是第一次尝试,总的来说,面是手擀面的好口感~ 这款与美老汤烩面一大包里面有4个独立包装,每个独立包装为115克,有三个调料包,分别为蔬菜包、汤包和油包。按照包装说明,有两种做法,煮面法和泡面法。我个人一向偏好煮面,感觉煮后口感会更好。这款面是粗面,煮好的口感非常劲道,有手擀面的口感。汤汁有浓郁羊汤味道,但是稍稍有些偏咸,还有些味精稍过量的味道。 这款与美老汤烩面在亚米售价为$6.89,四连包,很顶饱。