# 2022双节快乐 # Bears Drive to New Orleans Grilled Wings Marinade Some time ago, I was stocking up on snacks and bought a pack to try. It is really a good seasoning for chicken wing lovers. The net content of this little bear's drive to New Orleans grilled chicken wings marinade is 35 grams. I tried it and marinated six chicken legs in one package. It is very simple, convenient, and delicious. In addition to adding this marinade, I have I also added some light soy sauce to make the chicken legs more fresh and salty. I used the lazy method of the air fryer. After baking for 20 minutes at 365 degrees Fahrenheit, flip over and bake for another 10 minutes to achieve a crispy outside and tender inside. This little bear drives to New Orleans grilled chicken wings marinade is priced at $0.89 at Yami, which is affordable, and friends who like to eat New Orleans grilled wings must not miss it~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 小熊驾到 新奥尔良烤翅腌料 前段时间趁着囤零食,买了一包尝试一下,真是一款鸡翅爱好者的懒人福音好调料。 这款小熊驾到新奥尔良烤鸡翅腌料一包净含量为35克,我尝试了一下,用一包腌制了六个鸡腿~非常简单方便,而且入味,在添加了这款腌料外,我还额外加了一些生抽使鸡腿,味道更加鲜咸~采用了空气炸锅的懒人方法,使用365华氏度烤20分钟后,翻面再烤10分钟就能达到外酥里嫩的口感。 这款小熊驾到新奥尔良烤鸡翅腌料在亚米的售价为$0.89,价格实惠,喜欢吃新奥尔良烤翅的小伙伴一定不要错过~