# 2022双节快乐 # A moment of gluttony | Come to a bowl of spicy and delicious Xinjiang fried rice noodles ✨Unilaterally announced that this is the top 1 fried rice noodles that has been punched in recently✨ Before brushing to eat and broadcast, I was completely attracted by the spicy Xinjiang fried rice noodles Although you can't eat authentic Xinjiang fried rice noodles outside Then I swiped this instant food on Yami, and the evaluation is not bad. So I decided to check in and try a wave. I have never eaten Xinjiang fried rice noodles. Although I don't know what the authentic taste is, this spicy sauce is amazing After opening the bag, I checked the production method and found that the instant food is not fast to make. Rice noodles need to be soaked in cold water for 12 hours, or boiled for 40 minutes It was originally planned to be lunch at noon, so I had to cook for an hour in silence. When boiling, you can wait until the fire is on and simmer in the pot Continue to cook, it feels that it will be cooked faster, and the cooked rice noodles have no hard core After taking out the rice noodles, pass the cold water once, the taste of the rice noodles is stronger Compared with rice noodles, the spicy sauce is also very distinctive, and the sauce is very rich in flavor. Made with fat beef, and see Amway celery and chicken Because I was afraid the chili sauce was too spicy, I only put 2/3 of it, and the spiciness was just right The taste of rice noodles is QQ bouncy, it tastes very emotional, and it has a spicy taste. It is very suitable for big mouth noodles in winter. Friends who like rice noodles can make it
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# 2022双节快乐 # 馋嘴一刻|来一碗香辣过瘾的新疆炒米粉 ✨单方面宣布,这是近期打卡的炒米粉Top1✨ 之前刷到吃播,完全被香辣的新疆炒米粉吸引了 虽然不能在外面吃到正宗的新疆炒米粉 然后在亚米上刷到了这款速食,看评价还不错 于是决定打卡尝试一波,还没有吃过新疆炒米粉 虽然不知道正宗地道的味道是什么,但这款辣酱很绝 开袋后查看制作方法,发现该速食做起来并不是迅速 米粉需要侵泡于凉水中12个小时,或者煮沸40min 原本打算中午当午饭的,于是只好默默煮了一个小时 煮沸的时候,可以等到火开后,在锅里焖一焖 再继续煮,感觉熟的会比较快,熟后的米粉无硬芯 捞出米粉后,过一遍凉水,米粉的口感更劲道 相比米粉,辣酱也很有特色,酱香味很浓郁 搭配了肥牛一起制作,还有看到安利芹菜和鸡肉的 因为怕辣酱太辣,只放了其中的2/3,辣味刚刚好 米粉口感QQ弹弹的,吃起来很带感,香辣的口感 非常适合冬天大口嗦粉呀,喜欢米粉的小伙伴可冲