# 2022双节快乐 #Hundreds of millions of imperial Danbo feels very similar to Jinsha Crisp. The skin continues to maintain its multi-layered texture and soft and smooth taste. The filling is moderately sweet and delicate. The mixture of the two fillings, I I can't tell the difference, after all, it's not the tongue of Michelin three stars. If you have to give a rating, Jinsha Crisp is the first, Yudanbo is the second, and Egg Yolk Crisp is the third.
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# 2022双节快乐 #亿万两御丹波感觉和金沙酥很像,皮继续保持了亿万两多层次的质感和绵软细润的口感,馅料甜度适中,也是很细腻,两种馅料的混合,我没能吃出来差别,毕竟不是米其林三星的舌头。非要评个等级的话,还是金沙酥第一吧,御丹波第二,蛋黄酥第三。