# 我的囤货清单 # I bought a lot of work at Yami One of my favorite dry foods is shiitake mushrooms This time, I used the brand of Yongfuyuan, which has a large quantity. Made super rice mushroom chicken thigh Simple operation and good taste A dish for all ages Material: Chicken thighs, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, onions, ginger and garlic practice: 1. Wash the dried shiitake mushrooms in advance and soak them on the side (use hot water if you are in a hurry) 2. Cut the chicken thighs into pieces, cut them into small pieces, they are delicious and cooked quickly. Simply pickle them with onion, ginger and garlic to remove the fishy smell. 3. Add a small amount of oil to the pot, add the chopped onion and stir until fragrant 4. Add in the marinated chicken thighs and stir fry until the outside of the chicken turns white 5. Add the soaked shiitake mushrooms, continue to stir fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of water or stock (about half of the chicken) and simmer for a while 6. When the chicken is about mature, add bell pepper, add a little oyster sauce, salt, pepper, garlic powder 7. Stir fry evenly, and the sauce is ready to serve~ Chicken thighs can also be replaced with chicken breasts Although the taste will be slightly woody, it is more "healthy" It feels like a variant of braised chicken
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# 我的囤货清单 # 我在亚米买过超级多的干活 最爱的干货之一就是香菇 这次用的是永福元这个牌子的 大包量大 做了超下饭的香菇鸡腿肉 操作简单 味道好 老少皆宜的一道菜 材料: 鸡腿肉、香菇、彩椒、洋葱、葱姜蒜 做法: 1. 干香菇提前洗好,在一边泡发(赶时间的话用热水泡) 2. 鸡腿切块,切的小点 入味 熟的也快,用葱姜蒜简单抓匀腌制一下,去除腥味 3. 锅内加入少量的油,加入切小块的洋葱煸香 4. 加入腌制的鸡腿肉翻炒至鸡肉外围泛白 5. 加入泡发好的香菇,继续翻炒均匀,加入适量的水或高汤(大概是鸡肉的一半左右)焖一下 6. 鸡肉八成熟左右,加入彩椒,加入一丢丢蚝油、盐、胡椒、蒜粉 7. 翻炒均匀,收下汁就可以出锅啦~ 鸡腿肉也可以换成是鸡胸肉 虽然口感会略柴 但胜在更“健康” 有种变式黄焖鸡的感觉