# 我的囤货清单 # The sour and refreshing taste of Laotan pickled cabbage is very suitable for pairing with fatty beef. It is so delicious. The stewed pot of braised beef confuses people. A bag of sauerkraut has 70 grams, and it is directly sprinkled on the cooked beef noodles and eaten, and the portion is just right. If you want to add the whole pot of meat to stew together, you can add a few more packets. The flavor is full, not too salty, but it tastes soft and not crunchy.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 老壇酸菜,酸爽的滋味非常適合搭配帶肥油的牛肉,太好吃了,燉出來的一鍋紅燒牛肉把人都香迷糊了。酸菜一袋子有70克,直接撒在煮好的牛肉麵上配著吃,份量很剛好。如果想加進整鍋肉一起燉可以多加幾包。這個味道很足,不會太鹹,不過吃起來是偏軟不脆的口感。