# 我的囤货清单 # I have nothing to do and like to cook some Tremella soup or something, so I stocked up on Fangjia Shop Tremella and Lotus Seed Lily Soup Box, which is very convenient. Nutritious and delicious in one pot. These ingredients are fresh in season, of good quality and full of taste. They are scientifically proportioned by nutritionists. They are nutritionally balanced and can replenish energy. The ingredients include tremella, lotus seeds, gray dates, longan, wolfberry and dried lily. Stuff, it's very worry-free to supplement collagen when you have nothing to do!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 我没事喜欢煲点银耳羹什么的,所以囤货了方家铺子银耳莲子百合羹盒装,这个很方便,食材都是已经筛选清洗过的,只要泡一泡后下锅就可以,直接煲出一锅营养美味。这些食材都是当季新鲜的,质量好,味道足,是营养师科学配比出来的比例,营养均衡,可以补充能量,食材包括银耳,莲子,灰枣,桂圆,枸杞和百合干都是好东西呀,没事补补胶原蛋白非常省心!