I found my childhood favorite snack in YAMI again! The brand of Master Kong is really not lacking since childhood. For example, honey grapefruit, iced black tea, and jasmine tea are all drinks that I often buy and drink now! The coffee and milk flavor of the Master Kong 3+2 sandwich roll series that I ate today has a strong coffee flavor as soon as I open the package. The brown and white sandwich roll is also very beautiful! In addition to this milk coffee-flavored sandwich roll I purchased, there are also chocolate and vanilla milk flavors in the same series, and it's a surprise that each of the different flavors is different! # 2022年中大促囤货指南 #
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又在 YAMI 亚米 找到了童年愛吃的零食啦! 康师傅 這個品牌真的就是從小到大都不缺的,比如蜂蜜柚子、冰紅茶、茉莉清茶都是我現在還經常買來喝的飲品! 今天吃的這一款康師傅3+2夾心卷系列的咖啡牛奶味,一打開包裝就是濃濃的咖啡味,夾心卷很酥脆,可能是因為咖啡味比較濃,所以吃起來感覺並沒有很甜,棕色白色相間的夾心卷也是挺好看的嘛! 除了我購買的這款牛奶咖啡味的夾心卷之外,同一系列的還有巧克力味和香草牛奶味,每一種不同的口味都有不同是驚喜喔! # 2022年中大促囤货指南 #