# 挑战$100过一周 # Day4, today's food consumption is $5.58, other consumption is $9.99, total consumption is $15.57. Today is also the end of a lunch, a super large portion of fried instant noodles. The [Korean OTTOGI tumbler noodles Beijing style] bought at Yami's, the seasoning package is not delicious, I threw the seasoning package away. The pancakes are fine. The total price of fried noodles is $5.99 for 5 packs, and 1 pack is $1.25. It happened to be the last bit of the dried bean curd shredded tofu that I bought at Yami. According to 1/7, it is 1.14 dollars. And 250g of pork shreds left in the refrigerator is 2 knives, half a green pepper, 2 garlic, 2 shallots, and the original price of 1 green pepper is 1.19 knives for garlic. Soy sauce and thirteen incense are calculated at 0.25 knives. They were all bought by Yami, so I don’t want to take pictures. The additional expense is hair dyeing, I bought [Black Bean Hair Dyeing] Korea PLAN 36.5 Black Bean Anti-Hair Loss Moisturizing Hair Dye at Yami, which can dye white hair #7N Soft black. Getting ready to dye my hair back to black. Let me tell you that this is really tasteless. I feel that these Korean hair dyes are really good. The EZN one also tastes very small. It was said to be 3 minutes. I quickly took this remedy and put it on my head for 15 minutes (because it was bleached, the color lock level of the hair was not good). After 4-5 washes, the hair is super dark. Although it's a bit fake black, it's not the same as the ugly ones that are bleached black in domestic barbershops. I have been washing for more than 2 weeks, and it will become that my hands will not be black when I wash. For the first two weeks, the hair oil was black, but it was okay. I had to rub the scalp hard with my nails to remove the paste on the surface... But there are problems. 1. This hair dye is too little. It's only 100g when added together. My thick hair with short ears and short ears is almost not enough. After the left 1/2 is painted, it obviously feels not enough. Quickly add some water. I felt that the part on the right was not enough, so I had to add some water. Causes my right to be lighter than the left. It's actually a bit dark brown when mixed with water? I searched and it is OK to add water, but the color will fade. If you want to achieve the original color, it will take more time. The package says 3 minutes, so I waited 15 minutes after painting the last one on the right. (So at the beginning, the bottom 1/2 of the left side actually stayed for almost 1h). Now after 3 hours of washing, the sad thing is that except for the one that stayed for 1 hour at the beginning, it was still black, and the others were fading...the one that was mixed with water turned brown. Although before I used this black hair dye, the color I dyed was originally going to be brown... But the left side is black and the right side is brown. I'm very broken... I comb my hair sideways these days.
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# 挑战$100过一周 # Day4,今天的食物消费是5.58刀,其他消费是9.99刀,总消费是15.57刀。 今天也是就一顿午饭结束,超大份的炒方便面。在亚米买的【韩国OTTOGI不倒翁 炸酱面 北京风味 】,料包不好吃,我把料包扔了。面饼是没毛病的。炸酱面总价5.99刀对应5包,用掉1包是1.25刀。正好之前在亚米买的憨豆干豆腐丝的最后一点,按照1/7算是1.14刀。和冰箱里剩的猪肉丝250g也就是2刀,半个青椒丝,2粒蒜,2根小葱,就按照1个青椒的原价1.19刀蒜。 酱油和十三香按照0.25刀算吧,都是亚米买的,不照相了。额外支出是染头发,在亚米买了【黑豆染发】韩国PLAN 36.5 黑豆 防脱发滋润染发剂 可染白发 #7N 柔黑色。准备把头发染回黑色。说一下这个是真的没味,我感觉韩国这些染发剂真的做的挺牛的。 EZN那个也味儿很小。说是3分钟就行,我是染花了头发赶紧拿这个补救,在头上放了15分钟(因为漂过,头发锁色水平不行)。洗了4-5次,头发超级黑。虽然有点假黑,但是和在国内理发店漂黑那种丑丑的不太一样。我洗了2个礼拜多,才会变成洗的时候不会一手黑了。前两个礼拜头油都是黑的可还行,必须用指甲使劲揉搓头皮把表面的膏体抠下来... 不过也有问题。1.这个染发膏太少了。加一起也就100g,我这种厚毛的齐耳短发用着差点没够,左边1/2涂完后,明显就感觉不够了。赶紧兑了一点水。到右边的部分有感觉不够了,只能又兑了点水。导致我右边的颜色比左边的浅。兑了水再上的话其实有点像是深棕色? 我搜了下兑水是可以的,只是颜色会变淡。如果想要达到原有的颜色,需要多加时间。这个包装写着3分钟嘛,我就把右边最后的涂完后等了15分钟。(所以说最开始左边底下的1/2其实停留了能有快1h了)。 现在洗后3h,悲伤的是除了最开始停留了1h的还是黑色,其他的都在掉色...兑了水的掉秤咖啡色了。虽然我用这个黑色染发膏之前,染的那个颜色本来是冲着棕色去的...但是左边是黑色右边是棕色我很崩溃...侧分梳头吧这几天。