#好物11道来# 7⃣️0⃣️ This konjac flour skin Personally, I still feel a bit like Liangpi. The taste is of course more chewy, very Q In terms of properties, it is still very similar to Liangpi Served with simply blanched bean sprouts Increase crisp taste and increase vegetable fiber Jump on your favorite sauce, it's delicious if you mix it Sauces I like: A small spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of mature vinegar, an appropriate amount of salt, a lot of sesame paste 🤪, pepper oil I didn’t add sugar, if you like sweetness, you can add it appropriately
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# 好物11道来 # 7⃣️0⃣️ 这个魔芋粉皮 个人感觉跟凉皮还是有一丢丢像的 口感当然更有嚼劲一些 很Q 性状上跟凉皮还是很像的 搭配上简单焯水的豆芽 增加脆爽口感 有增加蔬菜纤维 跳上份自己喜欢的酱汁 随便拌拌都好吃 我喜欢的酱汁: 生抽一小勺、陈醋一勺、盐适量、芝麻酱超多🤪、花椒油 糖的话我是没加 喜欢甜口的可以适当加