#春季养身计划# Girls especially like to eat snacks, and they like to eat snacks while watching dramas. So we try our best to pick some healthy snacks, such as dried longan. The quality of dried longan from Fangjiapu bought by Yami is very good. When you open the bag, you will find a strong fragrance of longan. Each one is full and there is no bad one👍. If it is not easy to get angry, you can eat half a pack at a time, now 5 a day, stick to it and cooperate with exercise, the cold hands and feet have really improved, and the complexion has improved a lot. Medical research has proved that longan meat contains protein, fat, crude fiber and various vitamins and minerals. It can inhibit lipid peroxidation and increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and has certain anti-aging effects. And longan meat also has the effects of improving the body's immune function, inhibiting tumor cells, lowering blood lipids, and increasing coronary blood flow. I hoarded this pack last year. I have to eat two packs a year. When I wanted to buy another pack today, I found that Yami was gone. Please restock! 🙏🙏
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# 春季养身计划 # 女孩子都特别喜欢吃零食,喜欢一边追剧一边吃零食。所以我们尽量要挑一些健康的小零食,比如龙眼干,亚米买的方家铺子龙眼干质量非常好,打开袋子就是浓浓的龙眼清香味,颗颗饱满,没有一个坏的👍。如果不是容易上火,可以一次吃半包,现在每天5个,坚持下来再配合运动,手脚冰冷真的有改善,面色也好了很多。 有医学研究证明,龙眼肉含有蛋白质、脂肪、粗纤维及多种维生素和矿物质等。能够抑制脂质过氧化和提高抗氧化酶活性,有一定的抗衰老作用。并且龙眼肉还有提高机体免疫功能、抑制肿瘤细胞、k降血脂、增加冠状动脉血流量等作用。 这包是我去年囤的,我一年要吃两包,今天想去再买一包的时候,发现亚米没有了,求补货!🙏🙏