#春季养身计划# Wufu Yuan Pearl Powder Brown Sugar Flavor Quick Cooking Type Who said milk tea is not healthy? DIY at home, no non-dairy creamer and messy commercial additives, delicious and healthy! 🌟Ingredients: Pearls, brown sugar, white sugar, whipped cream, pure milk. 🌟Methods: 1⃣️The pearls are cooked according to the steps. I used half a bag of Wufuyuan Pearl Powder Round Brown Sugar Flavor Quick Cooking Type 250g $2.69 (to hand price) After cooking, put it in cold water! 2⃣️Use a non-stick pan to boil the syrup with a ratio of 4:1 between brown sugar and white sugar. I used 40 grams of brown sugar and 10 grams of white sugar. If your technique is good, use medium and high heat to cook, if you are afraid of burning, cook on medium and low fire. After saccharification, pearls can be added. 3⃣️ Add the boiled black syrup to the pearls and cook for 8 minutes, stirring constantly during the period! Boil it well and put it in a thermos cup for later use (you can use it within 4 to 6 hours) 4⃣️ Whip the macchiato. I didn't want to take out the hand mixer, so I used Blender's juice cup! 200ml of light cream ➕20ml of pure milk ➕28g of sugar, whipped vulgarly into a viscous shape! Two seconds and two seconds to play, I pressed 5 times or 6 times, a little over, but it can also be poured out. Once it’s done, keep it in the fridge for later use! 5⃣️Add three tablespoons of brown sugar pearls to the cup, shake it to let the black syrup hang on the cup. Add 200ml milk, 100ml water, and 3cm macchiato. If you want to add ice, add it before macchiato topping! It came out exactly the same as the one sold in the milk tea shop, and the taste is amazing! The most important thing is to make it yourself without adding non-dairy creamer, so you can drink it with peace of mind. The commercial version needs to add 10 grams of non-dairy creamer/creamer/milk tea companion when making macchiato. Do it at home for free! 😂 🌟The sweetness is just right, I reduced the sugar. If you think it’s not sweet enough, you can add 1/2 the total amount of sugar when frying brown sugar pearls, and add 1/2 more when making macchiato. Friends choose by themselves!
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# 春季养身计划 # 五福圆 珍珠粉圆 黑糖味 快煮型 谁说奶茶不养生?在家自己DIY,不加植脂末和乱七八糟的商业添加剂,好喝又健康! 🌟配料: 珍珠、黑糖、白砂糖、淡奶油、纯牛奶。 🌟做法: 1⃣️珍珠按照步骤煮好,我用了半袋 五福圆 珍珠粉圆 黑糖味 快煮型 250g $2.69(到手价) 煮好后要过凉水! 2⃣️用不粘锅,黑糖与白砂糖4:1比例熬糖浆。我用了40克黑糖,10克白砂糖。 如果你技术好用中大火熬,怕烧焦就中小火熬。糖化了就可以加珍珠了。 3⃣️熬好的黑糖浆加入珍珠熬煮8分钟,期间不断搅拌!熬好放在保温杯里备用(4~6小时以内用掉就可以了) 4⃣️搅打玛奇朵。我不想把hand mixer拿出来了,就用了Blender的果汁杯!200ml淡奶油➕20ml纯牛奶➕28克砂糖,低俗搅打成粘稠状! 两秒两秒打,我按了5下还是6下,稍微打过了,不过也能倒出来。做好后用不完冰箱冷藏就可以了! 5⃣️杯子里加三大勺黑糖珍珠,摇一摇让黑糖浆挂杯。 加入200ml牛奶,100ml水,3cm的玛奇朵就好了。 想加冰就在加玛奇朵Topping前加! 出来和奶茶店卖的一摸一样,味道超赞!最主要的是自己做没加植脂末,喝着比较安心。商用版要在做玛奇朵的时候加10克植脂末/奶精/奶茶伴侣。自己家里做就免了!😂 🌟这个甜度刚好,我把糖减了。如果你觉得不够甜可以在炒黑糖珍珠的时候总的糖量➕1/2,打玛奇朵的时候多➕1/2。小伙伴们自己选择!