#春季养身计划# I bought a box of eucommia tea from Yamamoto Kampo Pharmaceuticals in Yami, and it arrived in three days. It was clean and well packaged. It used natural herbs and traditional Kampo, with a net content of 192 grams. There are 24 tea bags in a whole bag. Each tea bag 8 g. There are four brewing methods described: 1. Take 500 to 700 ml of water to boil, put in a tea bag, and boil for 5 minutes on low heat; 2. Put the tea bag in a teapot and soak it in boiling water. The thickness depends on your preference; 3. 1. After the tea boiled in the kettle cools to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator for storage. The sediment is the sweet component amino acid, which can be safely drunk; 4. Put the tea bag in the cold water and put it in the refrigerator for 15 to 30 minutes before drinking. Usually directly soaked in boiling water, the light barley tea aroma is mixed with the blending flavor of Chinese herbal medicine. After drinking it, I feel relieved and relaxed. Just after eating greasy food, it clears the fire and relieves greasy, mild and non-irritating, which is helpful for weight loss.
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# 春季养身计划 # 在亚米买了盒日本山本汉方制药的杜仲茶,三天到货,干净整洁、包装完好,采用天然草本、传统汉方,净含量 192 克,有整袋包装的 24 个茶包,每个茶包 8 克。 说明的冲泡方法有四种:1、取 500 至 700 毫升水煮开,放入茶包一个,再小火煮 5 分钟;2、茶袋放茶壶中,用开水浸泡,浓淡依个人喜好;3、水壶烧好的茶凉到常温后,放入冰箱储藏,沉淀物是甜味成分氨基酸,可安心饮用;4、冷水里放进茶袋,搁在冰箱内 15 至 30 分钟后即可饮用。 平时直接用开水泡,清淡的大麦茶香,夹杂着中草药的调和味,喝完觉得舒缓轻松,刚吃完油腻的食物,清火而解腻、温和不刺激,对减肥瘦身有辅助性帮助。