#春季养身计划# Who said hot pot bottom ingredients are not healthy? It depends on how to eat, okay? Liupo Hot Pot Base make it into a soup base Rinse vegetables to eat This is a question, isn't it healthy? Chinese cabbage zucchini melon and bean sprouts Put whatever you like in it It is good to put one-fifth of the hot pot bottom material each time Not too spicy or too oily And I also added a little vinegar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce very tired In spring, we must eat all kinds of fresh vegetables to keep healthy
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# 春季养身计划 # 火锅底料 谁说不养生了 那要看怎么吃好吗 六婆火锅底料 把它做成汤底 涮青菜吃 这问一句 难道不养生吗 其中有大白菜 西葫芦瓜 和 豆芽什么的 随便爱吃什么放什么进去 火锅底料每次放五分之一就好 不会太辣太油 而且我还加了一点点醋 生抽 老抽 很解腻呢 春天就要吃起各种新鲜蔬菜 才养生啊