#春季养身计划# I brewed red bean, purple rice and barley water with hot water for several times to drink. The rich grain aroma quenches thirst and tastes good, especially the taste of barley is obvious. The 15g packet contains red beans, purple rice, and barley. There are three kinds in total, hot and cold drinking methods are available. I remember that when cooking bean porridge in the past, soak it in clear water at least overnight, and the porridge will be soft and sweet. Try heating it with a health pot. The porridge soup is mellow, and the beans are rough but can be swallowed Next, it is the delicacy of health preservation.
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# 春季养身计划 # 用热水冲泡了几次红豆紫米薏仁水喝,味道浓郁的谷物香,即解渴又好喝,尤其是薏米的口感很明显,十五克的小包,原材料包括红豆、紫米、薏仁,共三种,冷热饮方法都可以,想起以前煮豆粥时,用清水至少要泡过夜,熬出的粥才会松软香甜,试着用养生壶加热,粥水汤醇厚,豆子有些糙但可以咽下,是养生的美味。