#春季养身计划# I bought it at Yami some time ago. Fangjia shop’s dried seafood and prawns. I plan to stir-fry it with shredded green seaweed for dinner. I usually use it more in soup. Both ingredients are clean and delicious for health. First cut the eggplant into hob pieces, marinate them with fine salt, pour arowana peanut oil into the hot pan, turn it to medium-high heat, and add the eggplant pieces. When they are half mature, put prawns, cabbage, mushrooms, wild rice stems, carrots, Kelp shreds, tomatoes, bean sprouts, stir fry evenly, in order to absorb the excess soup, add wet rice noodles at the end, and sprinkle a little coriander on the pan. Fangjiapu dried seafood dried shrimps, with a net content of 150 grams per bottle. The dried shrimps are golden in color and thick in flesh. They are real ingredients without additives. They taste delicious and a little hard, and they can not disperse after cooking. The taste is soft and tough. The purchase price is $6.89. Lvye Spring Farm sand-free and wash-free dry kelp shreds, each bag has a net weight of 30 grams. If you eat it with cold dishes, you need to soak it first. Soak it in enough water for about 15 minutes. It has a sea fragrance, crisp and tender smooth.
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# 春季养身计划 # 前段时间在亚米买了,方家铺子的海产干货大虾仁,晚餐打算同绿野海带丝,一起炒个菜,平时做汤用得较多,两种食材都很干净,为养生美味食品。 先将茄子切成滚刀块,用细盐腌上,热锅中倒入金龙鱼花生油,调至中大火,下入茄子块,八成熟时依次搁大虾仁、洋白菜、蘑菇、茭白、胡萝卜、海带丝、西红柿、豆芽,翻炒均匀,为吸收多余的汤汁,最后加了湿米线,出锅盛盘撒入少许香菜即可。 方家铺子海产干货大虾仁,每瓶净含量 150 克,虾干色泽金黄、肉厚饱满,是无添加的真材实料,味道香鲜、有些偏硬,耐煮不散、口感软韧,购入价 6.89 美元。 绿野 Spring Farm 无沙免洗干海带丝,每袋净重量是 30 克,如拌凉菜吃,需要先泡发,用足量清水泡,大约十五分钟左右即可,具有海洋清香、脆嫩爽滑。