#春季养身计划# RELEA Bio HELLO Portable Stew Pot Insulation Bucket, stainless steel lunch box, built-in portable tableware, one cover for two purposes, sea salt blue, capacity 700 ml, 15.4 cm*11 cm, purchase price $22.87. After opening it for inspection, it is lighter to carry. It is said that it can be used for stewing porridge with rice, keeping warm and fresh. It is a good product for health preservation. The specific usage method is as follows: 1. Preheat the inner pot with 100°C boiling water, close the lid and wait for 3-5 minutes, then pour it out; 2. Put in the prepared ingredients and boiling water, tighten the lid, and wait for simmering; 3. According to the aging time of the ingredients, set aside Enjoy a healthy and delicious meal. Use boiling water/ice water before use, preheat/precool, the effect is better; when simmering, it is recommended to add 90% of the water to avoid overflowing after the ingredients come out of the water; it is recommended to boil 0.5- After 1h, pour in and simmer. This time, I used rice and boiling water, and tried the stewing heating function. Before taking it out, press the exhaust valve to exhaust, so that it can be easily uncovered. The porridge looks a little dry on the surface, but it is very soft after mixing, and it does not have the aroma of rice porridge in a pot. , but convenient and energy-saving.
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# 春季养身计划 # RELEA 物生物 HELLO 便携焖烧罐保温桶,不锈钢饭盒,内置便携餐具,一盖两用,海盐蓝,容量为 700 毫升,15.4 cm*11 cm,购入价 22.87 美元。 打开检查下,拎着较轻便,介绍说可以焖粥带饭、保温食鲜,是款养生好物,具体的使用方法为: 1、用 100°C 开水预热内胆,合好盖子等 3-5min,倒出;2、放入准备好的食材和沸水,拧紧杯盖,等待焖烧;3、根据食材熟成时间,静待享受健康美味餐。 使用前先用沸水/冰水,预热/预冷,效果更好;焖烧时,建议放 9 成水量,避免食材出水后溢出;豆类、肉类等难熟食材,建议提前煮沸 0.5-1h 后倒入焖烧。 这次用米饭和开水,试用了焖烧加热功能,取出前,先按压排气阀排气,以方便揭开,粥从表面上看有些干,混合好很柔软,没有锅煲的米粥香,但方便又节能。