# 亚米经验值+1 #I want to eat a bowl of instant beef noodles quickly What if you don’t want to eat high-calorie instant food powder? mix it yourself Wage earners have a short lunch break I don’t have time and I want to have a quick meal of my favorite low-calorie food So I came up with this mix-and-match combination on a whim. Material: Instant Beef Noodles Ah Kuan helps you eat fragrant beef noodles in the office in 3 minutes One serving of healthy konjac udon Yami Recommends - Konjac Udon Noodles Healthy and low-calorie konjac udon noodles are easy to eat Then add all the ingredients in the beef noodles except the noodles After soaking in hot water, it is best to heat it in the microwave for a minute A bowl of instant, delicious and low-calorie beef udon is all it takes It is very convenient and quick to use occasionally Occasionally hungry and have no time Friends who still want to stick to low calorie and not afraid of getting fat or controlling sugar let's try
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# 亚米经验值+1 #想快速吃碗速食牛肉面 又不想吃高卡自带速食粉怎么办? 自己动手混搭一下吧 上班打工仔午休时间短 又没有时间 又想快速吃一顿喜欢的低卡食物 于是突发奇想了这个混搭组合 材料: 速食牛肉面 阿宽助你3分钟办公室吃上香喷牛肉粉 健康蒟蒻乌冬一份 亚米推荐-蒟蒻乌冬面 健康低卡的蒟蒻乌冬面简单过下水 然后把牛肉面里除了面饼以外的所有材料加入 热水一泡 最好再微波炉加热一分钟 一碗速食美味又低卡的牛肉乌冬就搞定了 偶尔用来解馋还是很方便快捷的 偶尔嘴馋 又没有时间 还想要坚持低卡不怕胖或者控糖的小伙伴 一起来试试吧