Lycium barbarum is often used to make soup in my family. It is sweet and flat in nature, and it belongs to the liver and kidney meridian. It has the effects of nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing essence, growing muscles, improving complexion, improving eyesight and calming nerves, dispelling wind and treating deficiency, prolonging life and strengthening bones and muscles It can often be used together with rehmannia glutinosa, chrysanthemum, yam, cornus and other medicines Eating wolfberry improves the body's immune function, enhances the body's ability to adapt and regulate, and can strengthen the body and strengthen the body and fear evil #亚米经验值+1#
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枸杞我家常常拿来煲汤🍲 性甘、平,归肝肾经,具有补肝肾、益精气、长肌肉、改善面色、明目安神、祛风治虚、延年益寿、坚筋骨之功效 可常与熟地、菊花、山药、山萸肉等药同用 食用枸杞提高机体免疫功能增强机体适应调节能力 可以扶正固本和扶正怯邪 # 亚米经验值+1 #