# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Haitian garlic sauce. 2⃣️7⃣️. Barbecue chicken wings rescued by seasoning bought by Yami. In fact, it was the chicken wings that were overturned before, which was not very tasty. Quickly use the Haitian garlic sauce + Cuihong spicy dipping sauce bought by Yami, and then process some in the air fryer. Anyway, it's a bit smelly. Thank you Haitian Garlic Sauce! And Cui Hong's spicy dipping sauce! I see that Cuihong has released other dipping sauces, and I plan to try them out soon.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 海天蒜蓉酱。2⃣️7⃣️.亚米买的调料拯救的烧烤鸡翅。其实是之前做翻车的鸡翅,没怎么入味。赶紧拿亚米买的海天蒜蓉酱+翠宏香辣蘸料搞一下,空气炸锅再加工一些。好歹是有点味了。感谢海天蒜蓉酱!还有翠宏的香辣蘸料!我看翠宏还出了其他的蘸料,最近准备都入一下试试看。