# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Banmian made by Jiuyang noodle machine. 3⃣️8⃣️. This noodle maker is really popular, and it is out of stock again... I added a tag for Joyoung Soymilk Maker. This is the second time I tried Brother Monkey's prescription. This board recipe is indeed not wrong with me, so I decided not to do it in the future. For the red oil required in the recipe, I used the red oil left over from the Bobo chicken that Yami bought before, and the spices for cooking the soup were also bought by Yami. The noodles are made by the Jiuyang noodle machine bought by Yami (let me complain that the two hollow ones are not delicious, but the thick noodles are the best) I also tried whole wheat noodles. , It's quite unpalatable... Sure enough, the noodles still have to use ordinary flour.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 九阳面条机做的板面。3⃣️8⃣️.这个面条机实在是太火了,又又又缺货了...我加了个九阳豆浆机的tag。是我第二次试猴哥的方子,这个板面的方子确实不有一丢丢不对我的口,决定以后不做了。 方子里要求的红油我用了之前亚米买的口味捞的钵钵鸡剩下的红油,煮汤的香料也是亚米买的。面条是亚米买的九阳面条机做的(让我吐槽一下空心的那两款做出来的都不好吃,果然还是粗面的面头最好用)我还特地试了一下全麦面条,挺难吃的...面条果然还是得用普通面粉。