# 全球购 # With Lee Kum Kee's Soy Sauce Chicken Sauce in Hong Kong, half of the chicken at home can be marinated! Follow the instructions and just add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and 1-2 bowls of water. If you want it to taste better, you can also add some ginger and green onions to the bottom of the pot! I pressed it in the pressure cooker for about 20-30 minutes, and it was very easy to cook! Let cool for a while, cut into pieces and serve on a plate. Very flavorful chicken and soy sauce flavor👍
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# 全球购 # 有了香港李锦记的豉油鸡汁,刚好把家里的半只鸡拿来卤制!按照说明只要加入适量豉油汁和1-2碗清水就可以了,想要味道更好也可以在锅底再加些姜块和葱段!我是高压锅压制20-30分钟左右,非常简单的烹饪! 放凉一会切块装盘就可以了很有滋味的鸡肉香和豉油香👍