# 冬日养生 # NESTLADY South American small yellow flower maw has a small portion of 30 grams. Isinglass is also called fish maw. This one is not big and quite thin! The main component of isinglass is high-grade collagen, which can replenish the collagen lost by the skin every day! Efficacy: Anti-wrinkle, remove crow’s feet, etc.! It is a good nutritional supplement for girls! Soak in water for about 24 hours and teach in chicken soup and other soup stock! I directly stew the soup with chicken and abalone. It is nutritious and delicious. It supplements collagen, nourishes the skin and maintains health! !
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# 冬日养生 # NESTLADY南美小黄花筒胶小份量30克,鱼胶也叫花胶这款个头不大,还挺薄的! 鱼胶主要成分为高级胶原蛋白,补充肌肤日常流失的胶原蛋白!功效:抗皱、祛除鱼尾纹等!是女生很好的营养品!清水泡发24小时左右教于鸡汤等高汤中!我直接和鸡肉鲍鱼一起炖汤很营养美味也很好吃😋补充胶原蛋白,养颜又养生!!