# 全球购 # The mushrooms are so tender, juicy and delicious! ) Share a braised shiitake mushroom today! Tender, juicy and easy to make! If you like it, try it now! Ingredients: fresh mushrooms, chopped green onion practice: 1. Sauce: 1 spoon of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of chicken Mix ten refined salt, half a spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of starch, and half a bowl of water; Wash the mushrooms, remove the roots and make a cross with a knife. Add the water to the boil and blanch the mushrooms until soft. Take out and drain 2. Heat the oil, add the mushrooms and fry until golden brown, add the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the ingredients Boil the sauce until the soup is thick, take it out of the pot and sprinkle with chopped green onion.
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# 全球购 # 香菇这样做嫩滑多汁好吃到爆!)今天分享一款红烧香菇!鲜嫩多汁,做法简单!喜欢的赶紧试试吧! 都食材:鲜香菇、葱花 做法: 1.调料汁:1勺生抽、半勺老抽、1勺蚝油、适量鸡 精十盐、半勺白糖、1勺淀粉、半碗清水拌匀; 香菇洗净去根用刀划十字格,水开放入香菇焯软 捞出沥干 2.油热放入香菇煎至金黄,倒入蒜炒香,再倒入料 汁料汁煮至汤汁浓郁,出锅撒上葱花即可