In fact, before I came to the United States, I didn’t know what snails were. I only heard from my friends in Guangxi that I missed the Guilin rice noodles and snails at home. Although I am not familiar with the snail powder, but I miss the taste of my hometown deeply. Later, Ami appeared. Yami seems to make us less distant in a sense from home. When the snail fans appeared in Yami, my friends in Guilin were more energetic than usual, as if they had discovered the New World. For me, as a foodie, the kind that I love very much, I decided to try the taste that can make them so unforgettable. So I fell in. I remember that in the beginning, it was necessary to "snatch" to buy snail powder from Yamibuy. Not only because of the restricted sales, but also because there are so many people buying them that it is comparable to grabbing a ticket for the Spring Festival. Even now, I still remember the excitement of snapping up the snail powder. As a foodie, I can say responsibly, I have tasted almost all the snail lion noodles since they were put on the shelves. Although the taste of sour bamboo shoots was a little unacceptable at first, after getting used to it, sour bamboo shoots are definitely an indispensable ingredient for snail lion noodles. one. Due to the reason of the mobile phone system, there are only two pictures of Luoshi fans left, sorry. So I venture to comment on the only two photos left. Picture 1 is Luo Bawang, the taste is more spicy. The soup base is very fragrant, and the surprise is that there are tofu bubbles, which enriches the experience of snail noodles. Peanuts are crunchy. I added greens and ham when I cooked it for a richer flavor. There is nothing wrong with this snail powder. If it is not enough, it is that the tofu is too hard to soak, and it is not easy to soak, and it is not easy to taste. Although the creativity is very good, it needs to change the process to make the taste buds more enjoyable. Then the taste of the soup is not sour enough, and the rice noodles are not thick enough, which may be different from personal experience. All in all, this is one of my favorite snail powders. Picture 2 is a happy snail. This is also a brand highly recommended by my Guangxi friends. Even if you buy Huanluo in Yami now, you have to rely on luck, because you don't know when it will be sold out. What I like most about Hao Huanluo is his soup base. Every time I eat a good Huanluo, I will finish the soup. The spiciness of the chili oil and the acidity of the white vinegar just produce a perfect chemical reaction, which makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves. The downside is that I have eaten Haohuan snails brought by a friend from China. The domestic soup base has snail meat, but the American version does not. This will make the experience a little bit discounted, and then the price is a bit expensive. Although I stock up some every time, I always feel that the meat hurts a little. All in all, these two snail powders are very good from taste to experience, and my friends and I like them very much. Hope Yami gets better and better. I wish you all a happy new year! above.
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yami_featured_image 其实在来美国之前,并不知道什么是螺狮粉,只听广西的朋友提起过,说好想念家里的桂林米粉和螺狮粉。虽然对螺狮粉并不熟悉,但是对家乡味道的思念我却感同深受。后来,亚米出现了。亚米似乎使我们与家的距离在某种意义上不再那么遥远了。当螺狮粉在亚米出现的时候,我桂林的朋友就像发现新大陆一样,精神都要比平时更加矍铄。对于我,作为一个吃货,很爱吃的那种,决定试一试能让他们如此念念不忘的味道。于是我入坑了。记得最开始的时候,从亚米买螺狮粉是需要“抢”的。不仅是因为限售,而且买的人实在太多,堪比春运抢车票,不守着点,根本买不到。即使现在,还记得当时抢购到螺狮粉的激动。做为吃货,负责任的说,我尝了几乎从上架到现在的所有螺狮粉,虽然最初酸笋的味道有些难以接受,但习惯了之后,酸笋绝对是螺狮粉必不可少的配料之一。因为手机系统的原因,曾经保留的螺狮粉图片只剩下两张了,见谅。那么我斗胆就来评测一下仅存的两张照片吧。 图一是罗霸王,味道比较偏向于麻辣。汤底很香,惊喜的是有豆腐泡,让螺狮粉体验更加丰富。花生很脆。我煮的时候加入了青菜和火腿,这样味道更加丰富些。这款螺狮粉,没什么太大毛病,要说不足,就是豆腐泡太硬,不易泡软,而且不易入味,虽然创意很好,但也需改变工艺,让味蕾更享受一些。然后就是汤的味道不够酸,和米粉不够粗,可能是个人体验不一样。总之这是一款我很喜欢的螺狮粉。 图二是好欢螺。这也是我广西朋友极力推荐的一个品牌。即使现在在亚米买好欢螺也要靠运气,因为不知道什么时候就卖光了。好欢螺最让人喜欢的就是他的汤底了,每次吃好欢螺都会把汤喝完,辣油的辣度和白醋的酸度,刚刚好产生完美的化学反应,使人沉迷不能自拔。不足的就是,我吃过朋友从国内带来的好欢螺,国内的汤底是有螺肉的,反而美版的却没有了,这样让体验会打一些折扣,然后就是价格有些偏贵。虽然每次会囤一些,但总会觉得肉有一些疼。 总之,这两款螺狮粉从味道到体验都很不错,我和我的小伙伴们都很喜欢。希望亚米越来越好。 预祝大家新春快乐! 以上。