As a thirty-year-old aunt, I have to pay attention to internal adjustment. Soybeans, glutinous rice, red dates and red beans are all essential good friends. A piece of peach blossom every day, small and easy to carry. After persevering, I feel that the qi deficiency for many years has improved a lot, and it is not so easy to be afraid of the cold. In the morning, soy milk and porridge are the artifact of appetizing and strengthening the spleen. When I have time, I will use the soybean milk machine to make whole grains, or make some millet and red jujube porridge. If you really don’t have time, then Monkey Mushroom Rice Dilute is the best choice. It is not like cereal that sometimes burdens the stomach, especially for northerners, it is as comfortable as the noodle soup made at home. But no matter how good things are, you have to stick to them to see changes.
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作为一个三十岁的老阿姨,不得不重视内调。 大豆糯米红枣红豆都是必不可少的好朋友。 每天一块桃花姬,小巧方便携带。坚持下来感觉多年的气虚好了不少,也没那么容易怕冷了。 一日之际在于晨,豆浆和粥便是开胃健脾的神器。 有时间便会自己用豆浆机打点五谷杂粮,或者熬点小米红枣粥。 如果实在没时间,那么猴菇米稀就是最好的选择。它不像麦片有时候会让肠胃有负担,特别对于北方人来说,喝起来就像家里自己做的面汤一样舒服。 但是再好的东西也要坚持成习惯才能看到改变。